Aug 14th, 16 Sunday homily –Fr.Francis Chirackal CMI
Jr 38:4-6, 8-10; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53
Bonhoeffer, a well known German theologian is popularly remembered for his attention to Christ’s demands in the Sermon on the Mount. He provocatively discussed these demands in his book Discipleship. He wrote, “When Christ calls a man he bids him come and die.” In our baptism, we were baptized into the death of Christ. We died: we died to sin and were raised to life, a new and different life. And people around us may be threatened by that. They may sense that they too are being called to “come and die.” The old man of sin, living inside of every person, always finds that threatening. Therefore some people may be offended by us, by our faith in Christ or true faith-living. In reality, they are being offended not of us, but by the cross and by Christ himself. If nobody becomes offended or disturbed by our life of Christian faith, then we have to evaluate the authenticity and influence of our faith-living. Because, there is no any society which doesn’t have any evil forces. Jesus lived a life which was filled with love, forgiveness and service. He never did anything wrong. But many people became offended and crucified him.
The first reading from the book of Jeremiah, tells of the sufferings the prophet had to undergo when he told the truth and tried to guide the people with the law of God. St.Paul in the second reading, encourages Christians to be faithful to their Christian vocation. If those who lived before Christ could be so loyal and true to God, how much more so should not those be who have the example of Christ before their eyes.
Jesus in the gospel, gives his disciples an outline of the work he has come to do, how he will suffer in carrying it out, and the division it will cause among men, as there will be people who will accept it and also people who will oppose it, at all strata of life. Jesus said that he is to cast fire upon the earth. What kind of fire was it? Fire is a symbol of purification in the Old Testament. John the Baptist said that Christ would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. That means those who accept Christ will be filled with the Holy Spirit and be purified from their sins as well as being filled with the fire of divine love.
Human history explains the meaning of Jesus’ foretold division. Love and hatred, unity and disunity can’t co-exist. Jesus taught us to love even our enemies. Even when the message of love and forgiveness of Christ invites and leads to unity and peace, many swords may raise against the followers of His message. It happens due to either the intrinsic difference between earthly values and heavenly values or the unholy divisive efforts of evil forces to disrupt the Kingdom of God on earth. But nothing, can stop spreading the fire of Jesus’ love as His words are sharper than any two edged sword and more powerful than the roar of many waters, more powerful in the heavens as we see in the Psalm 94:4.
Jesus said, “I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished!” Here it is evident that this baptism would be accomplished, completed, brought to its conclusion. The Greek word for “accomplished” here means to reach the goal, to finish the course. It’s the same word that is used when Jesus cries out on the cross, “It is finished!” “It is accomplished, the goal has been reached.” For on the cross, His mission of taking up and taking away our sins was accomplished. Jesus’ baptism of suffering was completed on the Cross. There he reached the goal and finished the course. The victory was total and the triumph was complete. Sin and death were vanquished. Forgiveness, life, and salvation were won, for us with His baptism and the fire He kindled, is still being continued, is spreading and will continue until the end of the world.
Let us cooperate and make efforts that the fire of love will fully consume every heart, including our own, with its whole strength and power, destroying all kinds of evils from our lives and around us. Let us see the light and feel the peace in our day-to-day lives, in all situations, so that the Kingdom of God will become a living reality in our lives, as the Holy Spirit will become our uniting force and source of joy. God bless you.
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