Saturday, April 16, 2016

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

April  17, 2016 Sunday Homily: Fr.francis Chirackal CMI
Acts 13:14, 43-52; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30
For Readings
Once there was a program of reciting the Psalm 23. A large crowd gathered to hear the recital. Two were invited to recite the Psalm. One of them was a famous orator, singer and a trained drama artist with long experience, while the other was an old practicing devoted catholic believer. First, the skilled drama artist recited the psalm with great talent. Once he finished the whole audience expressed their joy and appreciation with a big hand and even asked him to recite it once more. Then came the second man and he recited the psalm with his usual devotion. When he finished reciting, there was no sound of appreciation or joy. All of them were sitting silent in a prayerful mood. Then breaking the silence the one who recited first, came to the stage and said. ‘I shall tell you the difference between the first and second recital. I know the Psalm well, while my old friend who recited after me knows the shepherd in the Psalm well’. In today’s gospel, Jesus says that His sheep know him and He knows His sheep. Knowing the shepherd takes us beyond our visible world and deeper joy beyond expression.

The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, gives a brief picture of the first missionary journey of St.Paul in Asia Minor. Once he came to know the shepherd, he risked his whole life to bring sheep to the shepherd’s flock. He knew that this Shepherd, was capable of giving living water and eternal life. Many of the hearers, including gentiles welcomed the Good News preached by Paul and Bernabas, with great enthusiasm even at the cost of persecutions. Second reading from the book of Revelation, presents the vision of St.John in which he sees a countless number of martyrs, saints and angels, who adore the Lamb of God in heaven, where there will be no more sufferings or death. It gives the hope that one day all of us, will join the heavenly Lamb, in its glory, with the Father, where we will experience eternal joy.

Today’s gospel gives the words of the Good Shepherd, that His sheep hear His voice and He knows them and they follow Him. Here we can remember the words of Pope Francis, on 28 March 2013, during the solemn Holy Thursday Mass, who warned Catholic priests around the world that, “the reason why some priests grow dissatisfied, lose heart and become in some sense collectors of antiques or novelties”, comes from seldom going out of oneself, which leads to “missing out on the best of our people”. Instead, he strongly urged priests to be “shepherds who have the smell of their sheep'.”

Jesus is the Shepherd, who has the smell of His sheep. He knows us, he knows our abilities and weaknesses, he knows our illness and strengths, he knows our joys and sorrows, he knows our needs and fulfillments, he knows our ups and downs, he knows our needs which we have over looked, forgotten or misunderstood, he knows our resources and helplessness, he knows our expressed goals and hidden goals, he knows our thoughts and planning, he knows the path we are moving and the danger hidden and the way to avoid it or to overcome it, he knows the best thing waiting for us and the means to get it for us. The only thing required, is to make it sure, that we ‘hear His voice and follow him’. From the book of Revelation, we heard very touching words which say, ‘God will wipe every tear from their eyes’. Tears are the symbols of our sorrows, pains, anxieties and worries. In our tears, we have a loving God who wipes every tear from our eyes, with His consoling and saving hands. His voice is the Good News of comfort and joy.

Today God needs, and the world needs good shepherds, to represent the Good Shepherd among the people, to make God’s love and affection felt in the communities and in the life of every believer with a life of grace through Sacraments, and lead them to eternal life. Let us pray for all shepherds, starting from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to all priests to strengthen them with His grace, to be good shepherds who are really concerned with their flock’s safety, wellbeing and salvation. Our Good Shepherd walks before and after us, knowing our every need. Let us hear His voice, follow Him, rejoicing in His love and protection. He will lead us through safe green pastures and streams of life giving waters. God bless you.  

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