Thursday, June 18, 2015

God Controls

June 21, 2015  Sunday  Homily : Fr.Francis Chirackal CMI
Job 38: 1, 8-11; II Cor 5: 14-17; Mk 4: 35-41
For Readings

Have you ever heard of  storms, which shake the whole world and  all people? Answer may be ‘Yes” when we think of recession.  Don’t we feel worried or uncertain, when we hear of natural calamities or wars around? Are we not struggling to overcome many global issues, which are threatening the safety and wellbeing of human race?

The role of God in calming the storms of life is the central theme of today’s readings. The first reading tells us how the Lord speaks to Job whose life was devastated by storms of illness, the deaths of his dear ones and the total loss of his possessions.  The second reading explains that Jesus died for us to make us a “new creation.”  Today’s gospel describes how, by a commanding word, Jesus stills a storm on the Sea of Galilee, returns the sea to its natural order and saves his followers from drowning.  The incident reminds us to keep Jesus in our life’s boat and to seek his help in the storms of life.  

Today, in USA, we are celebrating “Father’s Day”. It is a special day to remember and appreciate the important role and contribution of the father in the family. It is because of them we are now in this world. It is they, who sacrificed their comfort and joy for our sake. We have to congratulate, thank and pray for them. Today we have to offer them on the Holy Altar. Today’s readings remind each father to keep Jesus in our family boat and to approach Jesus in need to reach the family to the shore safe and in peace.
In today’s world, we see various kinds of storms threatening or affecting the holy atmosphere of families. Family is a holy institution and it always needs a sacred protection. Sacraments and family prayers are the means retain that sacred protection in our families. There is no short cut in matter. In today’s gospel Jesus assures immediate response in our needs.   His words, “Peace! Be still" are a command, demonstrating Jesus' power over destructive forces. Many people have found great comfort in sensing Jesus’ constant presence in the most difficult and dangerous situations and crises.   The boat in the stormy lake is a symbol of our own lives with occasional difficult situations.  Very often, the Church and the faithful have no control over the political and social developments of our society.  But, no matter what we are experiencing, with the help of Jesus we can  find peace.  It is the peace, which only Jesus can give.  And it is the peace, which no person or no evil force can take away from us.  

All of us are making a journey across the sea of time to the shore of eternity.  Hence, it is natural that, occasionally, we all experience different types of violent storms in our lives: physical storms, emotional storms, and spiritual storms.  We face storms of sorrow, doubt, anxiety, worry, temptation, frustration and passion.  Jesus can give us real peace in the storm of sorrow.  Jesus gives us peace in a tempest of doubt, frustration, tension and uncertainty, provided we humbly submit to Jesus' guidance.

 Today, let us specially pray for all fathers, and also make it sure, that we recognize Jesus and keep Him in our life’s boat. One of the ways we keep Jesus in our boat is frequenting the sacraments and family prayer.  Let us remember it and do it every day. Let us enjoy the presence of Jesus in our personal and family life. Let us make our family a ‘rejoicing family in the Lord’.  There is peace, There is joy. God bless you.

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