Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Most Holy Trinity

May 31st ,  2015   Sunday  Homily:  Fr.Francis Chirackal CMI
Deut 4:32-34, 39-40; Rom 8:14-17; Mat 28:16-20

For Readings

What is the Trinity? Everybody knows the answer. We will say three persons in one God. If we are asked to explain it little more, then we may find it a little hard. Because, it says of three persons in One God. We may say it is a mystery. Indeed, it is a mystery to the human mind and intellect. Many Saints tried to explain it using different images. For example, St. Patrick using Shamrock leaves, St. Ignatius with three notes of one chord, St. Joseph Cupertino with a tunic folded in three, while another as water in liquid, steam and ice form. Some others tried to explain the Trinity looking at the nature with more scientific ways such as the three particles in an atom, the basic material substance of Creation. Science tells us that the material substance of Creation is made of atoms, and all atoms are made of three basic particles, namely, Protons, Neutrons and Electrons but all together make a single substance. Some others look at light to explain the Trinity, as a perfect combination of three colors namely green, red and blue exist in light, three persons exist in one God. But none of these explains the Holy Trinity in its fullness. Then how do we know better?

Most of the major religions of the world have the concept of triune God or divinity as a part of their faith. Every religion tries to explain the nature of God according to the revelation it has received. Creation itself is a revelation of God. Therefore, what the nature,  the created world, reveals is the reality of God in different ways at different levels. It has limitations in revealing the infinite truth. We need to collect the revealed truth combining with our faith, intellect and revealed truths of the external natural world.  Incarnation itself is a revelation of God at a higher level. The presence of the Holy Trinity is seen at the time of Jesus’ baptism. Jesus taught us of the nature of God. Jesus taught us of the Holy Trinity in ordinary language. Jesus said, I came from my Father, My Father and me are one, the one who sees me sees the Father, I will send the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will teach you, as we are one, etc.

In spite of all these revelations we can never understand the Mystery of the Trinity in its fullness. Because, the Mystery of the Trinity is beyond human understanding. This is what St. Augustine found while pondering on the mystery of the Holy Trinity. It doesn’t mean it is a total mystery. We find that God has left some examples in Nature that reflect HIS nature. We have heard the saying that there is no such thing as a "coincidence", it's a GOD-incidence.  Here Trinity becomes not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived.
As we examine and grow in our knowledge of God’s real disposition and plan for us, we get a better appreciation of who He is. We begin each day with a sign of the Cross invoking the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We begin each Eucharist “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”  We begin all prayer the same way.  We were baptized with a formula that uses the same three names.  At the end of today’s liturgy we will be blessed with the Trinitarian formula. The Blessed Trinity has become an inseparable part of our daily prayers and lives.

Today's feast presents us with a higher level of enigma, the revealed truth about God as triune, which we call a Mystery, not a puzzle or problem. We don't have to be masters of abstract theological thought to appreciate the Trinity in our spiritual lives. In order to get to know the Holy Trinity better we should ask Mary the Mother of Jesus to help us, as she is the unique Mother of the Son, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the perfect Daughter of the Eternal Father. She looked at her Son and knew that He was the Son of God, and by listening to Him and contemplating Him she got to know the whole Trinity better than any other human could.

Trinitarian understanding of God plays a vital role in our personal and collective lives. We need God in our lives with different roles and figures. Our needs and situations change from time to time and place to place. Trinitarian role of God helps us to feel more comfortable in all the situations of our lives. Here we are able to find God with a parental role, brotherly role and friendly role. Whenever we are in need of care and protection, whenever we are in need of encouragement and support, whenever we are in need of comfort, healing and consolation, our God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are there with the role we are longing for to find. God becomes closer and intimate in our lives to communicate with.

Therefore, as we celebrate this Feast, let us pray for the grace to live the mystery of the Blessed Trinity in our daily lives at a personal level and feel the continuous presence and support at each moment. Let us always be the children of heavenly Father, friend of God the Son and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us be the persons of joy in the Spirit. God bless you.

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