Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jesus Strengthens the Disciples

May 1st,  2016 Sunday homily: Fr.Francis Chirackal CMI
Acts 15:1-2,22-29; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29

For Readings

There was a moth collector who one day happened to see a cocoon of a rare moth hanging from a tree twig. He was attracted to it and took it home. A few days later he saw movement inside the cocoon, but the moth didn’t emerge. He observed the same phenomenon on next day too, but moth didn’t come out. When it happened on the third day, the man took a knife and slit the cocoon. The moth crawled out. He was very happy to see it crawling. But to his dismay, it died soon. Later one of his friends, a biologist explained to him that nature has arranged it in such a way that a moth must struggle to escape its cocoon. It is this struggle that causes it to develop and makes it strong enough to survive. When the moth collector tried to make it easy for the moth, actually he was destroying its chances to grow and survive. Many times when we struggle to go through the hardships and sufferings, we may think that God would have avoided that situation or experience. In today’s gospel, Jesus says, “Let not your hearts be troubled”. These are very comforting and strengthening words for us at moments we go through hardships in our daily lives.

Today’s first reading from the book of Acts of the Apostles, tells of the first general council held by the Church in Jerusalem which decided that only the Ten Commandments of the mosaic Law is binding to Christians, not the law on circumcision. John, in the second reading from the book of Revelation, gives a vision of heaven, the source of hope for a people who were suffering for their belief in Christ. It gives us just a hint of what heaven will be like, expressed symbolically as the new and eternal Jerusalem.

Today’s gospel gives us a map, as it were, to direct us to new Jerusalem, the Eternal City which God has prepared for all those who love Him and hear His voice. As Jesus says, the Heavenly Father’s home is our home, while our heart will be their home as far as we love Him and listen to His Words. As it is evident in His words, there will be hardships and troubles as we strive to be eligible for the heavenly kingdom. But, He assures us of the help of the Holy Spirit, who will guide and strengthen us in our journey. He tells everything in advance, as He wants them to be rejoicing when they go through sufferings, as it will be the means to glory, the eternal joy.  Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to all those who love Him. It was, and it is being experienced by the Church from the beginning. The Holy Spirit “breaths where he wills”. The Holy Spirit assists the Church, inspires individuals and communities, and He is at work even today among us, and among all those who recognize Him or not. But its fruits are visible when we recognize Him and listen to His voice. As Jesus says, our life in heaven has to start when we live in this world, allowing God to live in our hearts.

Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid." [Jn. 14:27] When we do not do all things in the Spirit, our hearts are troubled. We are afraid because we miss the strengthening Spirit in our hearts and are shaken with turmoil. He tells us to keep the Spirit, to be free from fear and troubled hearts. Submitting ourselves to the will of God and living a life of love, is the means to keeping the Spirit in our life and being with the Spirit. Then, we are blessed with Divine peace; we are no longer troubled or afraid. The mixed feelings that we once had, they have faded away. When we walk with the Spirit of Christ, we shine in the fruit of the Spirit. These are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control."

Let us walk in the Spirit, let us do all things in Spirit and let us walk with the Spirit with a life of love and mercy. Let us be in peace with God, peace with our fellow beings and be peace with our own selves. Our loving Jesus, the merciful God is with us. God bless you.

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